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On this page you will find the disclaimer of HMKT, as this is made available by HMKT. In this disclaimer we will provide you with the conditions under which we provide you the information on our website.

Intellectual property

Het gebruik van de informatie op deze website is gratis zolang u deze informatie niet kopieert, verspreidt of op een andere manier gebruikt of misbruikt. You may only reuse the information on this website conform the rules of the mandatory law.

Without explicitly written permission of HMKT it is not allowed to re-use text, photo materials or other materials on this website. The intellectual property rests with HMKT.

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For the on our site displayed prices applies that we strive for an as carefully as possible display of the reality and the meant prices. Errors that arise and are recognizable as programming faults or type faults will never be a reason to claim or assume an contract or agreement with HMKT.

HMKT strives for an up to date as possible website. Mocht ondanks deze inspanningen de informatie van of de inhoud op deze website onvolledig en of onjuist zijn, dan kunnen wij daarvoor geen aansprakelijkheid aanvaarden.

The information and/or products on this website are provided without any form of guarantee and/or claim on correctness. We reserve the right to change, delete or relist these materials without any statement in advance. HMKT will not accept liability for any information on websites to which we refer via hyperlinks.


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4,7 van 5Review LogoWij scoren een 4,7 van 5 op Google reviews


Elskensakker 42
5571 SK, Bergeijk
Nederland View on Google Maps


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